Learning through Play: Gamification in Student Learning

Demanding schedules and heavy workloads make students unable to engage in the learning process actively. Still, the trends that keep continuously evolving and changing can help learners deal with excessive content consumption and collaborate with other students, often through the process of gamification. In a world where students are more than likely to entrust most of their tasks to professional writing services, it is hard to find inspiration for everyday assignments. 

But how can you assess the academic level of learners if they are delegating their homework to a writing service? More importantly, Is Myassignmenthelp legit? Find out what others are saying in this review. Here is where gamification as an educational method comes into view. Gamification makes students more receptive to mundane tasks and enthusiastic about doing their homework. This is especially important for Gen Z students, who love earning points, competing with their classmates, and communicating online. It offers challenges that can invigorate, an opportunity to work with classmates, and an instant reward for all the hard work. Other benefits of gamification include:

  • Promoting healthy behaviors in the classrooms.
  • Improving problem-solving strategies.
  • Cultivating interest in learning.
  • Transforming struggling performers into exceptional students.
  • Encouraging students to explore and investigate outside the classroom.
  • Increasing attention and concentration.

The gamification approach is often used to redesign the traditional learning experience, as it can improve collaboration and engagement. To make introducing a new topic less tedious, teachers can start with something as simple as a quiz and gradually progress to something as complicated as quests, when teams hunt for items hidden in the classroom, with bonus points for finding them first.

Gamification Strategies

Several gamification strategies prove that adding an element of entertainment to the study process benefits the majority of students. Parents who would like to see their children using innovative learning tools in class can read about the advantages of gaming at https://thegamereward.com/gaming-culture-and-its-influence-on-the-life-and-behavior-of-students/, with research proving that you can increase the student’s attention through various creative strategies. We have highlighted some of the best gamification methods for students below:

Creating Characters 

If you want students to be innovative and inventive with their assignments, telling them they can create an avatar or a character in a lesson is a proven way to enhance their interest. You are letting them choose an alter ego and making it clear that they are free to add the backstory and contextual details to their characters to help them on their educational journey. 

Games like this encourage learners to develop their imagination and generate ideas for their next classroom project. Even if they visit one of the writing services using the myassignmenthelp login to order a character analysis, you can still reward them for participating in the process and expressing their ideas as a part of the group. Tasks like creating characters are known to improve the discipline within the classroom and enhance collaboration. 

Arranging Quests 

A gaming quest is a mission with a clear objective that helps bring out the student’s more adventurous side. If you are a teacher who wants their learning process to be more intense and engaging, you can arrange quests weekly based on the current topic or curriculum. Students have to find objects, answer the questions that are relevant to the subject, and earn points as they come up with the correct solution. Quests can also be initiated as separate projects, with students answering questions on social media and looking for clues in their home assignments.

Awarding Badges 

Students of all ages need to be showered with praise to know that they are doing well. And who doesn’t love getting a badge with their name as they win the game? This gamification strategy suggests that badges can be given for answering the quiz correctly, winning a competition, or being the class’s top student. Participation badges also allow teachers to acknowledge the student’s resilience during the game and encourage them to double their efforts.

Transforming Old Games 

Bingo, dice games, scavenger hunts, and scrabble have been around forever. However, there is a way to transform them to attract younger audiences and encourage them to be more active in class. One method is putting words on bingo cards and instructing the students to match the words after they hear the definition. If the teachers are working in a hybrid setting where only a part of the students are present in class, they can modify the game by creating digital hunts. A program like Goose Chase is designed to help you create a video, take pictures, or search for an answer online while working with other students. The old Scrabble game can be used to check the student’s spelling, while a scavenger hunt may involve a group of students trying to find specific objects around their home or classroom. 



