How to Find Video Games for Every Age Group?

Navigating the wide ocean of video games to discover the ideal ones for your children may be as difficult as mastering the most difficult level in a complicated strategy game. You want video games that are both enjoyable and engaging, as well as age suitable. So, how do you strike a balance between enjoyment and age appropriateness? Let’s get started and find out.

Understand Game Ratings

First things first: Understanding game ratings is similar to having an effective GPS in the labyrinthine world of video gaming. The ESRB ratings are very critical as a compass that guides you on the content of each game. Here’s a quick breakdown: 

  • E (Everyone): These games are appropriate for every age. They have very little violence or comic mischief. Think of ‘Super Mario Odyssey’ – a family-friendly game as Saturday morning cartoon.
  • E10+ (Everyone 10 and Older): These might be slightly more complex and could involve cartoonish or fantasy violence. A game such as ‘Splatoon 2’ belongs to this group and is suitable for pre-teens.
  • T (Teen): Games designed for teenagers often involve stronger fantasy or mild real-world violence, age appropriate language and minimal suggestive themes. Titles such as ‘Fortnite’ belong to this category.
  • M (Mature): These games may have strong violence, language 17 and older people can play them, and other types of content such as sex or gambling. For instance, “The Witcher 3” is a title that has a rich narrative but mature content.
  • AO (Adults Only): 18 and over adults, a great deal of violence or sex content often being the case but also gambling.

Games for Young Children (Ages 3-6)

In the early years, you’re looking for games that are more about exploration and learning rather than competitiveness. Games that promote creativity, learning basic concepts, and simple problem-solving are ideal. Titles like ‘Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ and ‘Mario Kart 8 Deluxe‘ are great examples. They offer vibrant worlds to explore without the pressure of time limits or challenging goals.

Middle Childhood (Ages 7-12)

As kids grow, their cognitive skills develop, and they can handle more complex gameplay and storylines. Games like ‘Minecraft’ and ‘Roblox’ are not only entertaining but also encourage creativity and strategic thinking. They also offer safe online environments where children can interact, which is a great way to introduce them to the world of online gaming with moderation.

Teenagers (Ages 13-17)

For teenagers, the gaming world opens up even more. They can handle more complex and challenging games, both in terms of gameplay and story content. From the strategic depths of ‘Age of Empires’ to the narrative richness of ‘The Last of Us’, the options are vast. It’s important, however, to keep an eye on online interactions and the time spent gaming. For some peace of mind, consider using a parental control app for iPhone or other devices and monitors, which can help manage their gaming habits.

Young Adults and Beyond (Ages 18+)

By this age, gamers can decide for themselves, but that doesn’t mean guidance isn’t appreciated. Encourage exploration of different genres, from the thought-provoking puzzles in ‘Portal 2’ to the expansive open worlds in ‘The Witcher 3’ or more immersive gameplay such as those in ‘Age of Empires 2’. Gaming can be a lifelong hobby, and it’s thrilling to see how tastes and preferences evolve over time.

Balancing Gaming with Everyday Life

Balancing gaming with other life aspects is crucial, regardless of age. Here’s how to encourage a healthy gaming routine:

  1. Establish a daily or weekly gaming schedule. For children and teenagers, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests consistent limits on screen time, recommending no more than 1 to 2 hours of quality screen time per day for children over 2 years old. For adults, it’s about self-regulation and ensuring gaming doesn’t interfere with responsibilities.
  2. Integrate physical activities into the daily routine. This could be as simple as a family walk, a bike ride, or playing sports. For gaming enthusiasts, games that require physical movement, like ‘Just Dance’ or ‘Ring Fit Adventure’, can be a fun way to combine gaming with exercise.
  3. Encourage socializing outside of gaming. This could involve participating in group activities, spending time with friends and family, or engaging in community events. In the digital realm, choose games that offer positive social experiences and teach teamwork, like ‘Minecraft’ or ‘Overwatch’.
  4. Ensure there’s time for relaxation and other hobbies. Reading, crafting, or simply having quiet time is essential for a balanced lifestyle.
  5. Especially for children, balance gaming with educational activities. Puzzle games, strategy games, and titles with educational content can be part of this balance.
  6. Engage with what your child is playing. Discuss the themes and lessons in the games and how they relate to real-life values and decisions.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right video games for every age group doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a good understanding of game ratings, an awareness of your child’s interests and developmental needs, and the right tools to manage their playtime, you can ensure a positive and enriching gaming experience. Remember, gaming is not just about entertainment; it’s about learning, growing, and experiencing new worlds together.

Happy gaming!



