3 Tips For Starting As A Video Game Streamer

If you’re someone who loves video games and would like to share your love of gaming with others while also potentially making some money for playing, becoming a video game streamer could be the right gig for you. However, doing this is more complicated than just recording yourself playing video games and then streaming them or uploading them. To really be successful at this, you need to have a few things figured out first.

To help you with this, here are three tips for starting as a video game streamer. 

Come Up With A Hook

With the amount of people who are already out there trying to make a name for themselves by streaming video games, it’s important that you’re able to do something to set yourself apart and make people want to watch your videos over your competitors. To make this happen, you’ll need to come up with some kind of hook to get people interested in what you’re doing. 

Your hook could be all kinds of things. If you have something personal about yourself that you could lean into while gaming, that could be a great hook and a way for people to connect with you. Additionally, you talk about other things while you’re gaming, like some kind of content you love or how you’ve collected something like vintage diamond necklaces or some other trinket, this could also be something that you use as a hook. Anything that will make you different from other streamers is going to be a good thing. 

Get Your Setup Ready

Once you’ve come up with something that you think will make people interested in watching the videos of you playing video games, you then need to set up the space in which you’ll be making these videos.

People who watch video game streamers have come to expect a certain production quality from them. So to have people take you seriously, you need to have a setup that makes it so that you can play and stream with no connection interruptions, that you have a designated space to play, and that your space is visually appealing to people. 

Be Ready For A Learning Curve

If you’ve never done much with recording audio or video before, there’s going to be a bit of a learning curve as you get some experience with creating the videos that you’ll be uploading to your online gamer accounts. Knowing this, try to be patient with yourself and know that the more time you spend working on these skills, the better you’ll get at creating these videos over time. 

If you want to become a video game streamer, consider implementing some of the tips mentioned above as you get yourself ready for this career opportunity. 



